Friday, January 05, 2007

Ascending the Noise...............for Distinct Contexual Articulation

Welcome to the Digital Collabulary 2007 blog-site.

Most of you will recall in the WEB 1.0 World when the term Collaboratory (combination of collaboration and laboratory) surfaced a decade or so ago to cannote an intense teamed research & development exploratory laboratory initiative (previously known in the analog world as a "skunkworks.")

The advent of digital collaboration communications technology (internet, etc.) and subsequent collaboration software allowed for a "virtual inclusion" from far distant locations.

Today in a WEB 2.0 World environment we are once again reinventing this experience to move the higher-ordered conversation, aptly known as a Collabulary, to a more distinct contexual articulation. One might think of it as simply a general "noise filter."

A more general definition follows;

Collaburlary: n. A collaborative volcablulary for tagging web content. Like the folksonomies used in social bookmarking sites like, collabularies are generated by communities of practice. But unlike folksonomies, they're automatically vetted by consistency, extracting the wisdom of the crowds from the cacophony.

For our purposes it is the latter part of the general definiton that serves our intentions "communities of practice autmatically vetted by consistency (and purity of purpose) , extracting the wisdom of the crowds from the cacophony."

Welcome Aboard, let the distinct articulation rise to the occassion.



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